I suspect it’s a question most of us are wondering about. “Mortal, can these bones live?” the Lord asks Ezekiel. “Seca” by Aproximando Ciência e Pessoas is licensed under CC BY 2.0 CC If “all shall be well” is the theme that runs through Psalm 23, then “you shall live” is the theme that runs through the valley of dry bones.

It’s a story about a people who have a future. The valley of dry bones is a story of hope.

How fortunate are we that today the valley of dry bones is one of our assigned scripture readings? It’s exactly what we, our country, and our world need to hear. This week we stand in the valley of dry bones. Last week we stood in the valley of the shadow of death. We needed to be reassured that all shall be well. We needed to be reminded that the Lord is our shepherd and we shall not be in want. Last week I told you how fortunate we were to have Psalm 23 as our appointed psalm. But today, I am going to repeat myself, at least to some degree. I try pretty hard to not repeat myself from one sermon to the next. The Fifth Sunday in Lent – Ezekiel 37:1-14, The Valley of the Dry Bones